How to Edit your Recurring Order

We are always available to help you edit your recurring order if you need... but we know some people like to do things themselves (yay for self empowerment!).

So here is a handy guide to help you edit what's in your recurring order and when you get it!


Step 1: Go to your Recurring Order Dashboard

You will find this in the website menu at the top of the page (if you're using a computer) or in the hamburger menu (if you're on mobile)



Please be aware that, in order to login to your recurring order dashboard, you need to be logged into a store account for our online store. Even if you have bought from us before and have made a recurring order, you may not have created a store account.

Click the profile icon to either create a new account or login to the one you have already.



If you are creating an account, make sure you use the same email address that you have used when placing orders in the past.

Once you have either logged into or created your store account, navigate back to the recurring order dashboard.

You should then see the following screen:



This is a good chance to see if you may have accidently created a few duplicate Recurring Orders, and delete the ones you don't want to use.

Next just click on the Recurring Order you want to edit.


Step 2: Edit you Recurring Order

You will now find yourself on your Recurring Order Dashboard where you can make various changes:


Click on 1 if you want to change what products are included in your Recurring Order. You can add or remove products from your order here.

Click on 2 if you want to reschedule your recurring order to happen on a different date. After doing this you will be asked to reset your schedule to ensure your order interval stays the same... we suggest doing this so your order rhythm continues in the way you like it to.

Click on 3 if you want to get your Recurring Order Invoice right away. If you want to trigger your order early, this is the way.  You can also reset your schedule after doing this to ensure your order interval stays consistent. 



Click on 4 if you want to change your order interval. Want to change from getting your order every 2 weeks to every 4 weeks? Here is where you can do that. If you don't see an interval option that suits you, get in touch and we can help from our end.

Click 5 if you are going away for a bit and just want to pause your order. Remember that you will have to manually un-pause it when you want to start receiving Recurring Orders again. 


We hope this helps, but please do get in touch if you have any further questions!