Raw Feeding Calculator

Wondering how much to feed your dog, puppy, cat or kitten? All of these pets need slightly different amounts but we have made it easy for you with our handy feeding calculator.
Just select your pet type and then enter their weight so get an idea of how much you should be feeding. 

Please bear in mind this is a guideline and each pet's needs will differ based on their metabolism, activity level, age, and other factors.  The most important indicator of their needs is their waistline - read our blog article for more details and reach out to us if you have questions!


How Much Do I Feed?

1 kg 45 kg

We recommend:

For average sized kitties:

Total amount per day:
460g to 920g
How many meals per day:
Amount per meal:
230g to 460g

For Maine Coons and other giant breeds:

Total amount per day:
200g to 300g
How many meals per day:
Amount per meal:
100g to 150g